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Wrapping up the SmartSheffield Lab

Wrapping up the SmartSheffield Lab

The SmartSheffield initiative ran between September 2014 and February 2015, commissioned by the Sheffield Executive Board, hosted by Integreat Plus, and coordinated by @chrisdymond, to map and make sense of smart city activity in Sheffield.

48 people from across public and private sectors, and academia were interviewed in order to develop an understanding of smart city-related activity in the city and propose policy approaches to it.

The initiative resulted in a draft report (Smart Sheffield, 2015) which was accepted by the Sheffield Executive Board in the Summer of 2015.

This report outlines a vision, a framework and a set of themes to inform Sheffield’s approach to the smart city agenda, amongst other.

Since publication of this report, the Sheffield Executive Board and Sheffield First Partnership have sought to develop a governance structure to catalyse smart city activity in the city (of which there is a lot happening organically), and have gained widespread support for this among key city stakeholders.

This website was created during the Smart Sheffield Lab initiative in order to facilitate the Changify workshop that was carried out as part of the BIN conference, 2014. We are now re-purposing the website to act as a vehicle for SmartSheffield, a regular open grass-roots meetup for people involved and/or interested in the smart city agenda in the city.

(We a re-purposing rather than decommissioning and replacing partly because we believe that history, continuity and narrative are important.)

What makes a Smart City?

What makes a Smart City?

Announcing SmartSheffield