Featuring Ian Stewart from Arqiva; Mark Wheeler from Broadway Partners; Scott Knowles on Barclays Eagle Lab and LoRaWAN; Kurtis Wright from My Sheffield Pound; Chris Dymond from Unfolding with the latest SmartSheffield News.
All tagged public wifi
Featuring Ian Stewart from Arqiva; Mark Wheeler from Broadway Partners; Scott Knowles on Barclays Eagle Lab and LoRaWAN; Kurtis Wright from My Sheffield Pound; Chris Dymond from Unfolding with the latest SmartSheffield News.
Featuring Roy Woodhead from IoT Transforms; Rob Gregory from Becotix; Richard Motley from Integreat Plus; and Chris Dymond from Unfolding with the latest SmartSheffield News.
Featuring Rachel Macrorie & Aidan While from The Sheffield Urban Institute; Chris Dymond from Unfolding